Climate conditions/boundary conditions

Alles zu DELPHIN, dem Programm zur hygrothermischen Bauteilsimulation.

Moderatoren: ghorwin, fechner, ruisinger

Beiträge: 19
Registriert: 25 Mär 2020, 16:55

Climate conditions/boundary conditions

Beitrag von Haalsaad »

Dear Delphin-Team,

I have calculated the total shortwave radiation received at the facade (W/m2) using CFD. Now I would like to define it in the “climate conditions” tab to subsequently create a “boundary condition”. I have two questions regarding this:

1. My CFD model can only provide the total shortwave radiation received by the wall. However, in Delphin, there are three possibilities to define shortwave radiation in the “climate conditions” tab: (1) global, oriented to wall [SWRadiationImposed], (2) Direct sun radiation [SWRadiationDirect], and (3) Diffuse sun radiation [SWRadiationDiffuse]. How can I break down the total received shortwave radiation into these three components?

2. When defining a climate condition/Boundary condition for only shortwave radiation, how can I tell Delphin that it should grab the other climate parameters (temperature, relative humidity, …etc.) from the weather file defined in the project settings (F5)?

Thank you very much!
Beiträge: 98
Registriert: 19 Dez 2018, 09:32

Re: Climate conditions/boundary conditions

Beitrag von fechner »


If you have the shortwave radiation normal to your wall you need only one climate data set, SWRadiationImposed.
You need to use a detailed interface. This is a set of boundary conditions. You need for each boundary flow one boundary condition. In this you can set all the model data and also the climate. For your shortwave radiation you can use the imposed flux model. This needs as only climate condition your created SWRadiationImposed. All other boundary conditions can use the climate data from the location.
The easiest way to create such an interface is the following.
First you create a interface with type: Standard interface for outdoor.
Second, transform this interface into a detailed one by clicking on the button 'Convert to detailed model' in the left bottom corner of the inteface dialog. This will create all boundary conditions you need.
Third, edit all boundary condition as you like.
Beiträge: 19
Registriert: 25 Mär 2020, 16:55

Re: Climate conditions/boundary conditions

Beitrag von Haalsaad »

Thank you very much!