Dear Delphin Team,
when I wanted to add a convective inflitration source according to WTA 6.2 a question occurred to the delphin definitions (Quelle/Senke Feldbedingung Dialog):
1.) qcl=kcl*dp (Gl. 18, WTA Merkblat 6-2, 12.2014)
2.) dp = rho*((Te-Ti)/Ti)*g*h/2 (Gl. 19, WTA Merkblat 6-2, 12.2014)
3.) Scl=qcl*(ci-csat,p)/dx (Gl. 17, WTA Merkblat 6-2, 12.2014)
In the Delphin "Parameter" dialogue, I need to specify qcl, however, dp depends on time-variant indoor/outdoor temperature.
Does Delphin assume constant qcl, i.e. independent from time-variant temperature?
dp depends on h (Höhe des zusammenhängenden Luftraums), on Te (Lufttemperatur außen), on Ti (Lufttemperatur innen), however, in the Delphin "Parameter" dialogue I need to provide exactly those values: "Lufttemperatur innen", "Lufttemperatur außen", "Höhe des zusammenhängenden Luftraums". Why do I need to provide those values, if I have already provided qcl?
Basically, I want that Delphin calculates dp, qcl and accordingly the convective infiltration source Scl based on my provided values: h, kcl
(Te, Ti, ci, csat,p should be calculated on an hourly basis). Is there a way to do this? Or can I only define a constant qcl value?
Thank you very much for your support and clarification.
Best regards,
WTA 6.2 [Convective Source]
Moderatoren: ghorwin, fechner, ruisinger
Re: WTA 6.2 [Convective Source]
Dear Jiwon,
Which Delphin version do you use? The handling of the convective source is different from D5 to D6.
But in general.
We calculate the pressure difference according WTA leaflet. That means we take temperatures into account. Only the air flow resistance of the construction is constant.
We don't set this qcl as parameter. In D5 we use the q50, which is the result of a Blower Door Test as parameter. D6 uses the kcl itself.
You can use the source exactly as described in the WTA.
Best regards
Heiko Fechner
Which Delphin version do you use? The handling of the convective source is different from D5 to D6.
But in general.
We calculate the pressure difference according WTA leaflet. That means we take temperatures into account. Only the air flow resistance of the construction is constant.
We don't set this qcl as parameter. In D5 we use the q50, which is the result of a Blower Door Test as parameter. D6 uses the kcl itself.
You can use the source exactly as described in the WTA.
Best regards
Heiko Fechner