Ice model

Alles zu DELPHIN, dem Programm zur hygrothermischen Bauteilsimulation.

Moderatoren: ghorwin, fechner, ruisinger

Beiträge: 19
Registriert: 25 Mär 2020, 16:55

Ice model

Beitrag von Haalsaad »

Dear Mr. Fechner,

I would like to study ice forming in the exterior plaster of a ventilated façade. However, I keep getting the following error message when starting the simulation:
"Unsupported type of moisture storage function or missing initialisation."
"Error resolving quantities used by balance equation module."
"Error during model setup."
"Critical error, simulation aborted."

Is there a way to use the ice model with a wall with a vertical air gap equipped with a source for air change ?

Beiträge: 98
Registriert: 19 Dez 2018, 09:32

Re: Ice model

Beitrag von fechner »


The current Ice model works only with materials which have a moisture storage function and a liquid conductivity function (Kl).
In your case the air can be the problem. This was a error which is now fixed. I will give you a download link for the latest version by mail. Please try this
Beiträge: 19
Registriert: 25 Mär 2020, 16:55

Re: Ice model

Beitrag von Haalsaad »

Thank you very much for the answer and the link!