Creating an Aerogel Material- Determination of its characteristics

Alles zu DELPHIN, dem Programm zur hygrothermischen Bauteilsimulation.

Moderatoren: ghorwin, fechner, ruisinger

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Registriert: 07 Mär 2019, 11:20

Creating an Aerogel Material- Determination of its characteristics

Beitrag von NayaraUSTUTT »

Dear Delphin Team,

I am modelling an Aerogel Exterior Render using the DELPHIN 5.9 to edit the Material properties based on some characterization tests:
Aerogel_Properties.jpg (103.8 KiB) 19349 mal betrachtet
Considering the materials parameters required by the Program, I would like to know if I would be able to determinate the missing highlighted properties from my characterization results:

- Theta_EFF
- Theta_CAP
- Theta-80
- AW
- Theta_Por
Delphin_Material_Parameters.jpg (114.34 KiB) 19349 mal betrachtet
If possible, could you please say which norm/test is used to assess each one of these properties? I already took a look here: “Scheffler, G. A. (2008). Validation of hygrothermal material modelling under consideration of the hysteresis of moisture storage” but, unfortunately, I was not able to find a direct answer.

I appreciate the help on the matter.
Best Regards,
Beiträge: 100
Registriert: 19 Dez 2018, 09:32

Re: Creating an Aerogel Material- Determination of its characteristics

Beitrag von fechner »

Dear Nayara,

If you like you can update to the Delphin 6.1 version. This version includes a material editor so you don't need d5.9 anymore.
We have also a tutorial (No. 8) for the new material editor at our webpage ( ... tation.php). There you can also find some explanations to the material parameter.

Nethertheless some answers:
Theta_Eff is the endpoint of the moisture storage function, normally measured by under water storage
Theta_Por is the porosity. If you don't know it you can guess it by using a value equal or slightly higher than Theta_Eff. Theta_Por is only used for checking vapor and air transport functions. Therfore the influence to the simulation result is small.
These parameters are necessary.
Theta_80 and Theta_Cap are not used for simulation and you can skip it.
Aw value ist also not used directly. It is only used for scaling the liquid conductivity function. It is similar to your Capillary water absorption.

Kind regards
Heiko Fechner
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 07 Mär 2019, 11:20

Re: Creating an Aerogel Material- Determination of its characteristics

Beitrag von NayaraUSTUTT »

Dear Heiko,

Thanks for the feedback. The updated version is of great help.
I was able to change the properties of the materials, which follow below:
Aerogel_Properties.jpg (31.96 KiB) 19330 mal betrachtet
However, the Simulation is running since 2 Hours and it does not looks like it is going to converge (the ETC keeps oscillating from a few minutes to more than one day), while with any other material it takes less than 3 min to finish the simulation.
One more question:
Which of the two values of Capillary Water Absorption should be used as the input value on the Aw property? 10 or 90 minutes?

Would you have an ideia why it is taking so long, and if is there a property that is not making much sense?

Thank you very much.
Best Regards
Beiträge: 100
Registriert: 19 Dez 2018, 09:32

Re: Creating an Aerogel Material- Determination of its characteristics

Beitrag von fechner »

In order to find out the problem here I need a look into the project itself. You can send me a project package by email and I can have a look on it.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 07 Mär 2019, 11:20

Re: Creating an Aerogel Material- Determination of its characteristics

Beitrag von NayaraUSTUTT »

Thank you!
I've sent the project package by mail.