Radiation in crawlspace

Alles zu DELPHIN, dem Programm zur hygrothermischen Bauteilsimulation.

Moderatoren: ghorwin, fechner, ruisinger

Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 17 Jan 2025, 00:45

Radiation in crawlspace

Beitrag von camilleroy »


Is it possible to account for the radiative transfer between the cold soil in a crawlspace and the floor assembly?
I have tried the Long wave radiation exchange in cavity with 0.95 on the soil side and 0.85 on the gypsum side. I have assumed a space of 1m between the soil and the floor and I have tried assigning Void to it and an air layer as well.

Thank you,

Screenshot 2025-01-20 091325.png
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Beiträge: 99
Registriert: 19 Dez 2018, 09:32

Re: Radiation in crawlspace

Beitrag von fechner »


Using the longwave radiation source model is the correct way. This source model can only be assigned to a air space. That means you need to assige air as material to your crawl space.