Material Property Standards/Testing

Alles zu DELPHIN, dem Programm zur hygrothermischen Bauteilsimulation.

Moderatoren: ghorwin, fechner, ruisinger

Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 18 Jul 2024, 20:37

Material Property Standards/Testing

Beitrag von KristaRowan »

Hello Delphin Team,

For the material properties needed to create a new material in the database, are there specific ISO, EN, DIN or ASTM standards that should be used to complete the material testing? Is there a table or list of standards that were used to create the existing Material Database?

I am preparing to test brick and stone properties for existing buildings to use in Delphin for modelling. For certain material properties (i.e., liquid water conductivity for pressure gradient, liquid water conductivity for water content gradient, water vapour diffusion resistance etc.) I am uncertain what testing standard could/should be used. Additionally for Effective vs Capillary saturation, which test applies to each (cold water, boiling water, vacuum, long term submersion)?

Thank you for the help and information!
Beiträge: 101
Registriert: 19 Dez 2018, 09:32

Re: Material Property Standards/Testing

Beitrag von fechner »


This is not easy to answer. Normally we use non-standard tests. Only for vapor diffusion you can use the test according ISO 12572.
For measuring thermal properties you can also use standard procedures.
For moisture storage we measure different points on the sorption isotherm and for high moisture range we use pressure plate apparatus.
For liquid conductivity we use water uptake, drying experiments and condensation expariments. From the results of these experiments we derive the transport functions be using simulations and nonlinear optimization procedures.
Effective saturation means the moisture content after long-term under water storage. Capillary saturation doesn't play a role for DELPHIN.
I will send you a presentation by e-mail.

Best regards